Data Temat
2011-06-26 18:32 Design of a Decade 1986/1996 [1995]
2010-08-30 07:54 Icon (2010)
2010-05-28 13:02 Number Ones /The Best (2009)
2010-05-28 12:58 Discipline (2008)
2010-05-28 12:56 20 Y.O. (2006)
2010-05-28 12:51 Damita Jo (2004)
2010-05-28 12:48 All For You (2001)
2010-05-28 12:44 The Velvet Rope (1997)
2010-04-19 14:33 janet. (1993)
2010-04-19 14:30 Rhythm Nation 1814 (1989)
2010-04-19 14:26 Control (1986)
2010-04-19 14:23 Dream Street (1984)
2010-04-19 14:21 Janet Jackson 1982